Thursday, November 13, 2008

M&M's and Pretty Panties!

For today I am thankful for M&M's and pretty panties. Brynley is now *knock on wood* potty trained. She LOVES having pretty gymboree panties (they really do have the best underwear for both boys and girls) AND she loves her M&M reward for using the potty. But the best part of all... Brynley waking up this morning and telling me she needed to go - and still had a dry pull-up! Yippee! I've even been so brave as to take her in public several times in panties successfully - with her even using public toilets! I think it's safe to say that she is potty trained!!


lindsy said...

yeah! that is a good day =)

Camile said...

Congrats! So far for us, potty training has been the worst parenting experience! Luckily (knock on wood), I think we are also done with it...for now!