Monday, February 09, 2009

Will you hit me in the face and knock my tooth out?

Today at recess Michael and another kid were playing a game and Michael (who I remind you, HATES pain, FEARS pain and is totally scared of losing teeth) asked his friend to knock his tooth out. SO.. being the great friend that this kid is, he elbowed him in the face, knocking his tooth out. It is a baby tooth, and it was loose - just not that loose. Then, Michael being the great friend that he is decided that it hurt to have a tooth knocked out by the elbow and decided to tattle on his friend to the duty. She either did not understand what happened, or didn't care because she told them to go work it out. (I think I need to have a word with that duty!) Apparently it's cool to lose a tooth at school because you get a cool little treasure chest, or a tooth shaped box to carry home your tooth in. He also lost his other bottom tooth last friday on the way to school. That one also came home in a little treasure box.

So Michael... was all that pain and blood worth it for a tooth shaped box on a string.. and a dollar from the tooth fairy? Who actually ASKS to have a tooth knocked out? (at least one that's not very loose)

(He's REALLY starting to look like a jack-o-lantern now!)

It's Great to be 8!

Michael's baptism was on Saturday. He was SO excited and a little nervous all at the same time. (mostly because of the water and worrying it would go up his nose). It was a crazy day with lots of family in town. I forgot my camera's battery, so when Michael was all dressed in White and ready to go, I had no way to snap a photo! Luckily my bro ran home, so I was able to get a photo right before he was actually baptized. None of the photos of my family turned out that great, but the one with our immediate family and steven's family both turned out ok. Luke is in the goofy face stage.. and if I would have realized he had made these goofy faces I would have had more pictures taken! We are so proud of Michael and are happy that he chose to be baptized. It was a special day and I hope he will always remember it.

One excited boy with his proud daddy
Our little family

Brandy's Family
Steven's Family

Fisher Family Cousin's
(sorry for the un-edited photos.. part of it is laziness, and part of it is not knowing how to deal with indoor lighting or the BRIGHT sun in the other photos)

AND... a quick birthday cake photo!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Michael

Today is Michael's birthday... his 8th birthday! I can't believe my little boy is 8 years old already! It just seems like yesterday that he looked like this...
This picture sums up Micheal the best.. even though he was only 7 months old it still rings true for today. He is full of life and energy. He has (and always has had) a very contageous and infectious laugh. He's a very sensitive kid (especially when it comes to pain, losing teeth, flu shots, strep cultures... etc) He is a great friend to everyone and is very kind and thoughtful of others.
He is so excited to turn 8 and be baptized on Saturday. He is ready. He knows the gospel and was so excited to get his first "real" set of scriptures tonight with his name on them. He told me that this was the best birthday he's ever had... because he got "ALL" the scriptures. He's also completely excited to start the Boy Scout program, with his first meeting TODAY on his birthday! He also got some scout stuff for his birthday (I know.. I'm way too practical this year!)
Michael is a great kid and we are so proud of him! We love you Michael! Happy Birthday!