Monday, February 09, 2009

Will you hit me in the face and knock my tooth out?

Today at recess Michael and another kid were playing a game and Michael (who I remind you, HATES pain, FEARS pain and is totally scared of losing teeth) asked his friend to knock his tooth out. SO.. being the great friend that this kid is, he elbowed him in the face, knocking his tooth out. It is a baby tooth, and it was loose - just not that loose. Then, Michael being the great friend that he is decided that it hurt to have a tooth knocked out by the elbow and decided to tattle on his friend to the duty. She either did not understand what happened, or didn't care because she told them to go work it out. (I think I need to have a word with that duty!) Apparently it's cool to lose a tooth at school because you get a cool little treasure chest, or a tooth shaped box to carry home your tooth in. He also lost his other bottom tooth last friday on the way to school. That one also came home in a little treasure box.

So Michael... was all that pain and blood worth it for a tooth shaped box on a string.. and a dollar from the tooth fairy? Who actually ASKS to have a tooth knocked out? (at least one that's not very loose)

(He's REALLY starting to look like a jack-o-lantern now!)

1 comment:

Raelene said...

I think one day that is going to be similar story Oscar tells when coming home from school. Tell him he is a tuffy!