Saturday, December 20, 2008

More Strep

Yesterday Luke woke up complaining of a sore throat. I coudln't tell if he was coming down with a cold (the sore throat was his only complaint) so I gave him some motrin and took him to school a little late. (he didn't want to miss his last day before Christmas break!) When he came home he seemed fine, but as the motrin wore off he complained his throat was hurting agian. So.. more motrin, but by dinner (despite the motrin) he was breaking through with a fever and had a horrible stomachache. Luckily our clinic was open late (until 7) and waited for me to bring him in instead of telling me to wait until tomorrow (THANK-YOU DR. ROY!), where he tested positive for STREP! This is the second time in 2 months. Poor little dude. But thank-goodness for antibiotics! One dose and the fever and stomache ache are gone. He should be feeling even better by tomorrow or monday, and just in time for Christmas! We just hope the others don't end up with anything. We don't need to be spreading strep around at christmas time! (here's the little dude laying on the couch with his bowl of baby oranges, one of his favorite snacks! And yes, he still has his bear - sleeps on/with him every night still!)

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