Sunday, July 06, 2008

Project 1: Doll quilt

As if I needed anything else to do, I thought I would TRY to make a quilt. I figure since I've never done it before, I'd start with a small one for Brynley's doll's, then if it turns out decent, I'll try for something bigger. Here's my fabric for her "dollie" quilt, and I'll post the finished quilt when I'm finished. Any tips or tricks you guys have learned that you could share? I'm hoping I don't screw it up too bad!!! :o) I'm just doing small 2" squares, then I'll figure out how to quilt it later.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I'm sure your doll quilt will turn out great. At least you have the sense to try a small quilt first. My first quilt was a twin size pinwheel and I will never do that again ;o). Good luck!