Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Accident Prone & Cabin fun

So I have yet again managed to hurt myself. This time I was trying to finish up the binding on Brynley's Doll quilt. When I was lifting up the foot to turn the corner, somehow my finger got in the way and I ended up breaking the needle OFF into my finger! OUCH! After an urgent care visit and tetanus shot, I'm not sure that sweet little quilt is worth all th trouble! I guess that's what I get for sewing instead of doing my Chemistry homework! If I have the courage to try again (and assuming the sewing machine is ok) I'll get that quilt bound and post a pic!

We had a blast at the cabin. It was totally shocking to wake up saturday morning to 35 degrees though! But, it warmed up quickly and topped out at about 80 for a good part of the day.
We caught butterflies

played with fish (brynley is holding the fish in this pic)

rode four-wheelers

Michael got to shoot guns with his uncles

painted "ladybug rocks"

played with cousins Makayla and Mason (annie's two kids)

Jumped on the tramp, pushed kids in the swing, threw rocks in the river, saw lots of deer, roasted smores, let off fireworks, and ate lots of food!

Michael even got his other front tooth knocked out. He got too close to Luke while he was swinging and Luke ended up kicking him in the teeth! That tooth was only starting to get loose, so you can imagine how tramatic that was! So now he's missing both front teeth! That's two teeth that Luke has accidentally knocked out!


Testing said...

Ouch- hope you're okay. Can't wait to see the finished quilt! And I'm awwing over the cabin- we loved that place and felt really special about you taking us there. We wish we could do more of that type of thing here- such great family memories.

draperm said...

Hey I just saw that you won the awesome scraps from V&Co. Isn't she the greatest. Have fun with your new projects! Sorry about the finger. Yikes. We still need to come and see you guys. Let us know when your home and bored.